David R. Topper ~ "The paper is well written and explains things quite clearly." March 2017 www.davidrtopper.com
Koji Miyazaki ~ Koji Miyazaki republished one of my papers in the journal HyperSpace Vol.7, No.2-1998. It includes a reprint of my paper, a comment by C. Ernesto S. Lindgren and additional material by H. S. M. Coxeter.
Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal from Harvey Mudd College ~ "... the cover features diagrams from Randal J. Bishop's 'The Use of Realistic Imagery to Represent the Relationships in a Four-Dimensional Coordinate System' which show how one can create a photograph of objects in 4D space." on inside front cover of Issue #17 May 1998 https://scholarship.claremont.edu/
Scott Kim ~ Scott has not given my paper a review, but he has given me one of his books with my name hand written in A Scott Kim Inversion! www.scottkim.com
Louis A. Zona-Director of The Butler Institute of American Art ~ "Randy, Congratulations... a terrific paper. I see it as a most significant contribution to the field. I could not be more proud." April 2017 http://butlerart.com/